The objective of 纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件医科大学’s Physical Therapy Early Assurance Program is to allow exceptional, motivated students at any accredited undergraduate institution to apply and secure their acceptance to our Doctorate of Physical Therapy program as early as their sophomore year. The program is designed to free students from the pressures and expense associated with applying to numerous physical therapy schools, 让他们有更多的自由去追求独特的学术兴趣和经验.
Accepted students are required to complete their remaining two years of college and earn a bachelor's degree by May of the year of enrollment, 最少赚取3.平均绩点30分,最低3分.30的累积GPA(以前就读的所有大学). GREs are not required for students accepted through the Early Assurance program. Accepted students are also expected to complete a minimum of 40 hours of shadowing with a physical therapist in a different setting than the previous shadowing experiences.
Students that have completed two years of college study but have advanced standing due to AP, 在高中获得的IB或大学学分可以申请.
- Forty hours of shadowing of a Physical Therapist, completed after high school graduation. 至少20小时必须由一名物理治疗师完成. Applicants may list on their application PT shadowing completed while in high school, 但这不能算在40小时内. (Applicants unable to get 40 hours of shadowing due to PT offices being unavailable to shadow due to COVID restrictions should speak with an 招生 Advisor to discuss their options.)
- 最低累积平均绩点为3分.30 calculated from all colleges previously attended (matriculated and non-matriculated)
- 科学先决条件的最低平均绩点为3.在物理治疗科学的先决条件30(见下面两个要点).
- Four (4) of the 8 science prerequisite courses listed below completed by the end of the spring semester of the sophomore year with grades of “B” or higher, 取自认可学院*:
- 解剖学和生理学I带实验(3-4学时)
- 解剖学和生理学II带实验(3-4学时)
- 普通生物学I(含实验)(3-4学时)
- 普通生物II含实验(3-4学时)
- 普通化学I带实验(3-4学时)
- 普通化学II含实验(3-4学时)
- 普通物理I带实验(3-4学时)
- 普通物理II带实验(3-4学时)
* Our AP and IB credit policy is to accept AP and IB courses however the undergraduate college accepted the credits. For a student who fulfilled one or two of the science prerequisites with AP or IB credits prior to entering college, they would still need to take four of the science prerequisites in their first two years of college to meet this requirement. 对于一个完成了三个任务的学生, four or five of the science prerequisites with AP and/or IB credits prior to entering college, they would need to take two of the science prerequisites from the remaining science prerequisites in their first two years of college to meet this requirement. If an applicant completed six of the science prerequisite courses with AP and/or IB credits prior to entering college, 他们需要选修一门科学的必修课程, 虽然他们被鼓励吃两个. If an applicant met any of these courses from credits earned while in high school at an accredited US college, we will accept those courses to meet the prerequisite as long as the grade is “B” or higher (no grades of “Pass” allowed). 如果承认, all of the remaining science prerequisites will need to be completed prior to enrolling with grades of “C” or higher, 不过我们希望能得B或更高.
The courses below are additional prerequisites that do not need to be completed at the time of applying, however they do need to be successfully completed with a grade of “C” or higher prior to enrolling as a physical therapy student at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件.
- 英语选修课(3学时)
- 统计学(3学时)
- 心理学(3个学时)
- 社会科学选修课(3个学时)
The EAP application becomes available March 1 and is due no later than 11:59 pm EST on June 15. 所有证明文件必须在6月15日前盖上邮戳. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that all items are received on time. Applications are reviewed over the summer and interviews are scheduled for August, 在大三之前. Applicants must be available to attend the interview day, which is held via Zoom.
The PT program begins in the summer term (June) after completion of the bachelor’s degree. Student 招生 will verify acceptances in January of the year of entry at which time a deposit will be required. Candidates who decide (for whatever reason) not to continue with the Early Assurance Program but rather to apply to other Physical Therapy programs via the regular admissions process must first withdraw their guaranteed acceptance to SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件. The 招生 Committee would be happy to consider your regular admission application via PTCAS from candidates in this situation.
- 纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件物理治疗早期保证申请: 马上申请 (3月1日至6月15日开放)
- 高中正式成绩单. 这可以邮寄到我们的办公室(766欧文大道)., Weiskotten Hall 1212, 锡拉丘兹,纽约州13210) from your high school or e-mailed to our office ((电子邮件保护))直接从你的高中辅导员的工作电子邮件地址.我们不接受Naviance的成绩单. 成绩单必须显示你的高中毕业日期.
- 两封推荐信. One must be from a professor (preferably science) from the applicant’s undergraduate college. Letters of recommendation from high school teachers or counselors will not be accepted. 不接受个人推荐信.
- 申请人须附上推荐人的姓名, 组织部门, 位置/名称, 与你的关系, 电话号码, 以及北州卫生专业学院申请的电子邮件地址.
- 一旦您在应用程序中输入您的参考信息, 他们将收到关于如何提交推荐信的指示. 一旦提交,你和你的推荐人都会收到一封确认信.
- 提交 官方成绩单 来自所有就读过的大学. This includes college credits earned while in high school or over a summer or winter break while in college.
If the college is able to send the official transcript electronically, they can send to (电子邮件保护) (首选). - $65申请费
- EOP/HEOP学生的申请费可获豁免. 请联络你的环境管理总监电邮至((电子邮件保护)) our office to verify your enrollment in the EOP/HEOP program at your institution.
- 如果申请人有AP和/或IB学分的任何科学先决条件, they must be listed on the official undergraduate college transcript showing which course at the college it met. 如果不是, applicants will be required to submit a degree audit to verify the class that the AP or IB met.
问题可以由招生顾问通过电子邮件回答 (电子邮件保护) 或拨打315-464-4570.